• 22/04/2024

    Custodi della salute: Innovazione medicale al servizio della sicurezza

  • 18/04/2024

    Roncadelle Operations – Business24 interview


  • Roncadelle Operations at PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference 2023


    Roncadelle Operations at PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference – 2023.

    Join Roncadelle Operations at PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference, 2023. We are excited to be a part of this prestigious event [...]

  • 22/08/2022

    Rules, Regulations and Real-World Support in the Battle against NSIs

    As the proportion of Needlestick Injuries (NSIs) grows with the rate of pandemic vaccinations, so the legislative pressure on Health Care Organisations tightens around the [...]

  • 01/08/2022

    Covid Pandemic Brings Growing NSI Problem Into Sharp Focus

    Common sense tells us that the more injections administered, the more accidental needlestick injuries will occur.  And over recent years, injection use was already rising [...]