The passive retractable safety syringe
Very easy to use, SafeR® Retractable Safety Syringe works in just the same way as a classic syringe, but with one-click coaxial needle retraction – it automatically retracts the needle when the injection is completed.
SafeR® Retractable Safety Syringe can be manufactured in a choice of COC, COP or PP material options, and incorporates a host of innovative safety mechanisms, including:
• Auto Disable (AD)
• Re-Use Prevention (RUP)
• Sharp Injury Protection (SIP)
Unique safety features:
• Clear calibrations for accurate dosing
• Triple-bevelled, lubricated needle for patient comfort
• Needle retracts before removal from patient
• Direct retraction prevents sharp exposure
Very easy to use, SafeR® Retractable Safety Syringe works in just the same way as a classic syringe, but with one-click coaxial needle retraction – it automatically retracts the needle when the injection is completed.
SafeR® Retractable Safety Syringe can be manufactured in a choice of COC, COP or PP material options, and incorporates a host of innovative safety mechanisms, including:
• Auto Disable (AD)
• Re-Use Prevention (RUP)
• Sharp Injury Protection (SIP)
Unique safety features:
• Clear calibrations for accurate dosing
• Triple-bevelled, lubricated needle for patient comfort
• Needle retracts before removal from patient
• Direct retraction prevents sharp exposure
SafeR® Retractable Safety Syringe works with SafeR® Sting Needles
We offer a wide range of SafeR® Retractable Safety Syringes (ml) and SafeR® Sting Needle sizes (varying in gauge and length). In addition, we offer the SafeR® Blunt-fill Needle, which is ideal for drug preparation and vial aspiration.
Coming soon 30G needle
Video Demonstration
How it works
1. Draw up medication in the standard way
2. Prepare and inject using aseptic technique (in line with institutional policy)
3. While the needle is in the patient, push in the plunger fully and the needle will automatically retract
4. The SafeR syringe can be thrown into the normal medical waste container after use, as the needle is safely enclosed in the cylinder.
How we make
safety affordable
Combines latest
safety mechanisms
More sustainable
Uses fewer
to reduce costs